

It is an Amazon-like storefront with the MySQL and Node.js .

Getting Started

What Each JavaScript Does

  1. BamazonCustomer.js

    • Prints the products in the store.

    • Prompts customer which product they would like to purchase by ID number.

    • Asks for the quantity.

      • If there is a sufficient amount of the product in stock, it will return the total for that purchase.
      • However, if there is not enough of the product in stock, it will tell the user that there isn’t enough of the product.
      • If the purchase goes through, it updates the stock quantity to reflect the purchase.

  1. BamazonManager.js

    • Starts with a menu:

      • View Products for Sale
      • View Low Inventory
      • Add to Inventory
      • Add New Product
      • Exit
    • If the manager selects View Products for Sale, It lists all of the products in the store including all of their details.

    • If the manager selects View Low Inventory, It’ll list all the products with less than five items in its Stock_quantity column.

    • If the manager selects Add to Inventory, it allows the manager to select a product and add inventory.

    • If the manager selects Add New Product, it allows the manager to add a new product to the store.

    • If the manager selects Exit, it ends the session and doesn’t go back to the menu.




Technologies used


- Node.js - Download the latest version of Node
- Create a MYSQL database called 'Bamazon', reference Bamazon.sql

Built With